Janez Janša se niti ne zaveda, kako natanko je zadel s tisto izjavo "ne poznajo vprašanja, ampak zagotovo je odgovor seks". SD je namreč v svoj program zapisala "Prepričani smo, da so zadovoljni, zdravi in srečni ljudje prvi pogoj za ustvarjanje družbe blaginje." Do tu še nič o seksu. Ampak kako pa do srečnih ljudi? Tudi iz programa SD: "Več spolnosti pomeni več sreče ...". Najprej torej seks, potem sreča in nato blaginja. Genialno!
Znanost pa pravi, da je najprej blaginja, potem pa sreča. Tisti, ki trdijo da GDP nima zveze s srečo, imajo tole teorijo:
Prospect: Although average real income has more than doubled in developed countries since mid-century, average self-reported happiness has barely budged. Yet despite the flat happiness trend over decades, at any given time the wealthy are more likely than others to report themselves "very happy," which has led a number of researchers to conclude that people care more about their relative position on the income ladder than their absolute level of wealth.
... ki pa se v mednarodnem okviru pokaže za napačno:
Marginal Revolution: In a sample of over 130,000 people from 126 countries, the correlation between the life satisfaction of individuals and the GDP of the country in which they live was over .40 – an exceptionally high value in social science.
A recent study of the self-reported happiness of almost 400,000 subjects in the OECD countries by Harvard's Rafael di Tella and Imperial College's Robert MacCulloch shows that while no single variable has a whoppingly large positive impact on average happiness over time, none, other than life expectancy, has a larger effect than GDP per head.
Revščina pa je tudi za nekaj dobra. V članku Ten Ways Recession Can Help the Environment avtor piše, da bi bilo treba revščino vsiliti, saj revni manj obremenjujejo okolje.
PS. Danes je Blog Action Day. Blogalo naj bi se o revščini.