8. avgust 2008

Kaj misli Kitajska?

Počitniško branje (2008/1):
Mark Leonard, What Does China Think?

Povzetek: Kitajska dokazuje, da demokracija ni predpogoj za gospodarski razvoj, niti ni liberalno tržno gospodarsko v nasprotjo s komunistično diktaturo. Kapitalizem rumene reke, posvetovalna diktatura in popolna nacionalna moč so temelji Kitajskega modela.

Ali je lahko avtoritaren sistem gospodarsko učinkovit s pomočjo ITja:
The reason that the Soviet planned economy collapsed is that its planners were unable to gather enough information to allocate resources efficiently and motivate people to maximize the creation of wealth. ... But could new technologies give leaders perfect information?
Globalization was about to bring about the worldwide triumph of the market economy, but China is showing that state capitalism is one of its biggest beneficiaries.

Na rob temu, da vzpon Kitajske ni nič posebnega:
Še leta 1820 je BDP Kitajske predstavljal 30% svetovnega BDP.
O nevarnosti Kitajskega vzpona (spomnimo se Španije, Francije, Anglije, Nemčije):
No great nation in history ever rose in peace.
O sporočilu Kitajske drugim državam:
China has become both a model and a champion for the world's poorest countries. ... In Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia - elites argue that tey should follow the Chinese model of pursuing economic reforms first and political reforms later.
Na rob Koncu zgodovine (in liberal democracy v tem primeru nima nobene zveze z našo LDS):
The most immediate consequence of China's rise is that the much predicted universalization of Western 'liberal democracy' has stalled.
O mulilaterizmu (Evropa) in globalizaciji v ploskemu svetu (ZDA):
Chinese thinkers want to create an (alternative) world where national governments are subjects of their own destiny rather than subjects to the whims of global capital and American foreign policy. They want investment, technology and market access ... but they do not want to absorb Western values.
In zaključna misel:
Those who argued that the People's Republic would become more Western with its growing wealth have been proven wrong. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, Europe and America face a formidable alternative: the Chinese model.

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