3. februar 2009

Iskanje obnovljivih potreb

The Pop!Tech Blog:
... marketing will (again) become the #1 change agent in business, when it follows the new rules of “marketing with meaning,” marketing which consistently creates added social value – not as an afterthought but a sine qua non. While marketing has always been the art of turning friends into customers and customers into friends, it is now the art of finding, befriending, and “activating” the like-minded for a common cause, for the common good, for profit.

Ja, tudi in predvsem za profit. In v tem ni nič slabega. Hrana, energija in smisel so edine obnovljive potrebe ljudi. Vsega drugega, od čevljev do elektronskih igrač, imamo dovolj. In proizvodnja slednjega nas ne bo popeljala iz krize.